Gift From God: Health & Welness

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My dear brother & sisters in Christ Jesus.

I am very excited to be writing this letter to you after my many years of silence. Yes, it is me Winnie who passionately gave many talks on the Body & Health you deserve in churches, classes, offices, radio etc. I want to thank all those who have been spreading and teaching others what God had revealed to me then.

I wish to let you know that God has been very faithful and I have been and still I am on a spiritual growth path and I wish to share my experiences of the past several years. Some people have been asking me if I sold the company Winnies Pure Health Ltd. No, I have not sold the company and the shareholders still remain myself and my two daughters Tara & Elsie. The two young ladies have been running the operations of the company while I have been involved in our Organic farm for some of our ingredients and the Organic free range eggs and the ministry work.

The message to you from me today is that “HEALTH IS A GIFT FROM GOD!”. It is a gift which has already been given to us and like any other Gifts we value, all we need to do is to receive it and enjoy it as we give gratitude for it to God.

New Living translation Bible. Mathews 6:33 Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need

In my search and passion to have a healthy body, I several years ago started with eating anything healthy I could lay my hands on and refraining from eating anything that has been classified as unhealthy. I further undertook different physical exercises, like running, walking, pilates etc. I also tried various detox and diet programmes. While I was still practicing this healthy lifestyle… Guess What? I still most of the time felt an under lining low energy. Some nights I could not sleep well and at one time I was diagnosed with high cholesterol yet I was a vegetarian then. I would also get bouts of acidity. In short I was not experiencing the gift of the body and health I deserved.

This led me to ask God,“Surely God, why all this and I am doing everything that I have been taught and read it is good for the body?” Meanwhile I observed some of the so called health guru, practitioners and I noticed they too did not look vibrant and energized as they persued this evasive condition called health. I watched some of them suffer from so called lifestyle related diseases yet they were leading the ultimate healthy lifestyle by observing what they ate, drunk and exercised regularly. They looked okay but they did not necessarily manifest the peace, glow, energy, joy etc. They had/ have trail of fatigue on their aura. This made me stop asking God, “Why me?” But I started asking “Why?” In general.” Of course I later learnt that God answers prayers not questions.

Good News!! My spirit was however uplifted when I also observed another category of people who appeared joyful, peaceful, had a strong look and posture. They displayed a high level of consciousness of Love. They loved themselves, they loved others and they displayed a high level of spirituality.
Then like a light bulb I had a glimpse on how to summarize it. They had a healthy, BODY, MIND & SPIRIT connection. They looked truly well from within. I shouted “THANK YOU GOD!” I now see it. Then I remembered the various inspiring bible verses on health.  There are about 59 verses in the Bible which confirm that health is a gift from GOD.

Acts 3:16 And on the basis of faith, in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know, and the FAITH which comes through HIM has given Him this perfect health in the presence of you all.

Proverb 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

The question my dear brothers and sisters we need to ask ourselves is “Why are many people not having and enjoying this gift of health?”
From the journey the lord has taken me through in the past couple of years, I will be sharing with you in our various Good News issues how to receive and enjoy this gift by divinely using the body, mind and spirit connection.


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